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《經過》是為紀念故宮80 週年,特地邀請國內三位知名導演:王小棣、侯孝賢、鄭文堂以故宮為主題發揮—這也是國片首度由故宮投資拍片;其中由鄭文堂導演的《經過》身先士卒,立即創下入圍第17屆東京影展競賽片、第41屆台北金馬影展最佳原著劇本、角逐2005第50屆亞太影展競賽類影片等紀錄,並成為故宮三部曲中第一部正式上映的作品。
【名家推薦】林文淇 (中央大學電影文化研究室召集人)
導演 鄭文堂
主演 桂綸鎂(繼《藍色大門》之後巨星光芒之作)
採訪/許正平.趙豫中.蔣慧仙 攝影/顏涵正
失去意志肯定╱反叛懷抱裡的母親╱此刻海洋失去唯一的魚╱在愛人的氣息裡╱殘破的太陽升起 ──〈腐朽〉 三年前,陳綺貞的《吉他手》推出後不久,曾引領另類音樂、創作歌手風騷的魔岩唱片畫下句點。此後,歌迷們只能在某些特定的唱片行,尋找陳綺貞獨立製作、小眾發行的單曲──〈旅行的意義〉 、“Sentimental Kills”、“After 17”,聽她一把吉他、甜美嗓音輕輕低吟,搖曳這一代文藝青年的心思。
這段期間,也只有創作,能讓陳綺貞感覺到「像是在時間的洪流裡釘一個樁」,而不至於太過慌亂。若要為新專輯收錄的十一首歌歸納出一個主題意象──「海洋」,陳綺貞想了想說,「海洋像母親的懷抱,但也是自我潛意識中流動的黑暗與危險。那裡頭埋藏著我很卑微的恐懼,一個人孤單面對廣大世界時的恐懼」,那也是正是她離開校園、體制之後,所必須獨自面對的世界。她嘗試在愛情之外,探索「性」、「死亡」等幽暗晦澀的主題,也對生命和宇宙提問,她打趣地比喻這是一張 「海王星的唱片」──在占星學上,海王星所代表的,正是直覺、朦朧與神祕主義的傾向。
專輯中的歌詞,出現了接近「詩」的抽象質感,和《還是會寂寞》、《吉他手》貼近日常生活的寫實況味截然不同。陳綺貞表示,她嘗試找尋一種新的語言質感,給自己不同的思考刺激,「有些詞,我希望能像是照相機,喀嚓捕捉住人生的許多個瞬間,我也嘗試用『蒙太奇』 剪接句子,造成一種很跳躍的、很個人的意義邏輯」。這些詞句雖然很難解讀出完整的意思,卻特別靈動、跳躍。
Composed by 曲 陳綺貞 Cheer
Lyrics by 詞 陳綺貞 Cheer
幾次 脆弱 掩飾 不甘的示弱
再說 我也不特別渴求永久
靜止了 沈溺了 無聲的滅絕
幾次悔過 掩埋狂妄的惡魔
靜止了 沈溺了 無聲的滅絕
Corrinne May
Corrinne May在美國受到矚目是因為參加了由Babyface及大衛佛斯特發起的網路歌曲創作比賽的活動,除了得到優勝頭銜,並因此結識了Carole King,之後其許多作品即是與此位一起創作.目前共發行了兩張專輯,她的第一張專輯"Fly Away"台灣有代理,第二張"Safe in A Crazy World"就無人代理了,十分可惜~其實她的優質歌聲真的值得更多的掌聲。
Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo
Copyright 2004, Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP)
I see the morning glory
It winds upon the tree
It tells the untold story of how things were meant to be
You saw the universe
Caught up in desperate dreams
You came and changed the ending
Changed it to save my fate
You led the revolution
You left your legacy
Embraced the struggle
in the face of mortality
I know I'm not alone in this
Help me believe
I can be free
I can be free from this place
Beautiful healer
Beautiful grace
Help me to see
Everything fall into place
Wake me from dreaming
No more deceiving
Break these chains
It's still the same old story
This great divide
Between the want and waste
And all the hunger inside
I heard the news today
Now I'm trying to find my place
I'm just a single voice
What can I do to erase
All this misunderstanding
All this anarchy
Six degrees of separation
Sometimes it's so hard to see
That we are not alone in this
I need to believe
I can be free
I can be free from this place
Beautiful healer
Beautiful grace
Help me to see
Everything fall into place
Wake me from dreaming
No more deceiving
Break these chains
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me
Yo Back then
I don't wanna be the one to blame you
Like fun and games
Keep playin' 'em
I'm just sayin-
Think back then
We was like one in the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
It's like that
Now you gotta face in the rain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain
Like a maze
You can never escape
The rain
Every damm day's the same shade of grey
I used to have a little bit of plan
Use ta'
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right outta my hand
And now
I don't really even know who I am
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do
What I have to do to break free
'N whatever happens to you
We'll see
But it's not gotta happen with me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me
I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you
Proved to me unintentionally
That you would self destruct eventually
Now I'm thinkin' like a mistake I made doesn't hurt
But its not gotta work
'Cause it's really much worse
That I thought
I wished you were something you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got
You turn your back
And walk away in shame
All you got
Is a memory 'a pain
Nothin' makes sense
You jus' stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head
When no one else is around
So what do I have to say
Maybe I should do
What I have to do
To break free
'N whatever happens to you
We'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me
I will do what I have to do
You're on your own now
Believe me
Whatever happens to you
You're on your own now
Believe me
What do I have to say
You're on your own now
Believe me
Whatever happens to you
You're on your own now
Believe me
What do I have to say
You're on your own now
Believe me
Its not gonna happen to me
You're on your own now
Believe me
A-Rod 該醒醒了喔!!!!
說句實在話我還頗喜歡Joe Torre的
Experts' Take: Veteran resolve
YES Network Online
October 9, 2005
Editor's note: Following each playoff game, This series is not tied at 2-2 because the Angels have run wild on the base I thought that in Game 4, the advantage went to the Angels because with The Angels have to be looking at this and saying, "We let a sleeping giant Another thing that sends a red flag to me is that the Angels said Bartolo Plus, he's a very good fastball hitter and he's not a wild swinger. He can In Game 5, both teams expected this series to go this far, so I don't see Everyone is available. Randy Johnson could be a guy you use for one inning.
YES Network's analysts will dissect the finer points of the game.
Michael Kay
For me, Jorge Posada was the player of the game. Posada is one of the old
guard when we talk about resiliency. In the fourth inning, he had two
caught stealings. He threw perfect strikes to second base, one on Chone
Figgins, and one that got away from him a little bit and he gunned down
Vladimir Guerrero, who ill-advisedly tried to steal second base. Posada
also had three walks, a double and scored the winning run. He had great
base running in that inning - that's always been a knock on Posada - but he
got a great break off third base on Derek Jeter's ground ball to third.
Before that, he took third on the throw home on the Ruben Sierra single.
對我來說 Jorge Posada是這場球賽的MVP 當我們談到反彈力
他是球隊裡的老守衛之一 在第四局 他抓到兩次盜壘
他完美地傳球到二壘 一次抓到Chone Figgins 讓他出局
一次是Vladimir Guerrero有欠考慮試圖盜向二壘
Posada在進攻上 有三次被保送 一支二壘安打 而且還跑回勝利的一分
在Derek Jeter擊出三壘方向滾地球時 他掌握了很好的離壘時機
在那之前 當Ruben Sierra打出一壘安打時 他衝了三個壘包回到本壘
paths. Jorge Posada has done a great job in his three starts.
這個系列要不是天使隊run wild on the base paths(這這這...看不懂) 不會被追平
Jorge Posada在他的三次先發中已經完成偉大的工作
the rainout, they had their bullpen in full gear. Now that it's going to
Game 5, Mike Mussina has five days of rest between starts -- the advantage
goes to the Yankees.
我認為在Game 4時 優勢在天使這邊 因為下雨延賽 讓他們的牛棚又重新加滿油
現在進入Game 5 Mike Mussina在先發間有五天休息 優勢跑到洋基這邊
get up." They had a chance to kill them and they couldn't do it. In a short
series like this, one quick victory turns things around.
天使隊必須要注意這個說法 "我們讓沉睡的巨人甦醒"
他們本來有很好的機會宰了他們 但他們並沒有做到
在像這樣的短系列賽中 一個快速的勝利會改變些事情
Colon could not pitch in Game 4 under any circumstance. If he wasn't able
to pitch on normal rest Sunday, what would make them think he'd pitch any
better with another day of rest?
對我來說另一個值得注意的是關於天使隊說Bartolo Colon在任何情況下都不會在
Game 4上場 如果他沒辦法在正常休息的星期天上場(應指已投一休四)
那麼他們憑什麼認為多一天休息 會投得比較好
David Justice
Ruben Sierra is a guy who has a lot of experience. Sitting on the bench, he
has one opportunity to do something good for the team, and he comes through.
The fact that he's a switch hitter with some power makes him very valuable
to this ball club. Opposing teams can't match up against him.
Ruben Sierra是一個很有經驗的傢伙 平時坐板凳待命 他上場就要掌握機會
為球隊做出貢獻 他很有爆發力 是個扭轉情勢的打者 他對球隊很有價值
be patient. In his pinch-hit at-bat, he got a pitch over the middle of the
plate that he could handle, and hit the line drive. Earlier in the year,
when he was out with the hamstring problem, it affected the Yankees.
Now that he's back, the job that he can do, not many players can do it.
此外 他是個快速球打者 他不是個狂野揮擊者 他可以有耐心
當他代打時他挑了個他可以處理本壘板中間位置的球 打成穿越安打
在今年早些時間 當他有hamstring問題 那影響洋基隊
現在他回來了 他可以做到的 並不是很多球員可以做到的
an advantage either way. But because Mike Mussina had the one good outing,
and then the bad outing where he went one inning, he has a short leash.
If Joe Torre doesn't like what he sees early on, he will pull him. Aaron
Small is rested; he could be the first man out of the bullpen.
在Game 5 兩方都走到這步 因此我不認為哪邊有優勢
但是因為Mike Mussina會有一場好球 下一場忽然一場大局 他要拉緊皮帶
如果Joe Torre早先看到他不喜歡的現象 他會把他拉下來
Aaron Small 已經休息過了 所以他會是從牛棚出來的第一個人
The last thing Joe Torre is going to do is say he's unavailable. Johnson
could enter the game in whatever the situation calls for.
每個人都可以 上去投球
Randy Johnson也是可用一局的人
Joe Torre最後一件要做的事是說 RJ不能投Game 5
因為他要投 現在這個狀況下 大家所期望的下一場比賽
(嘿嘿嘿 大家都知道Torre指的是什麼吧...)
(再怎麼看都是好球說...) (╯‵__')╯ ~ ┴─┴
來自 New York NYYFans.com Message Board 球迷的 Art Collections (Part.1)
來自 New York NYYFans.com Message Board 球迷的 Art Collections (Part.2)